Enclosure Soutions | Industrial & Distribution enclosures

EKM Series - Steel Electrical Enclosures

Home Contact US (form) MBL: 0448 085 061 Heathcote N.S.W. 2233  
See also:   EKP Series IP65 Polyester (Fibreglass / GRP) | EKS Series IP66 316  Stainless Steel | EKD Series DIN Enclosures
The EKM Series general purpose electrical enclosures are rated IP66 & can used to house and protect various types of electrical equipment, such as circuit breakers, power supplies, transformers, switches, and other control devices, read more....
The range includes 39 Models from 300H 200W 150D to 1200H 800W 400D and is supported by a comprehensive range of accessories.
we also offer size variations from our GN Series & PRCE Series
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2 / 4
3 / 4
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RAL 7035 Light Grey Variants
RAL 2008 Orange Variants
EKM Accessories
EKM Dimensional Data


Select EKM Enclosures by Height

EKM Enclosure Overview

Select EKM Enclosures by Height
300H 400H 500H 600H
700H 800H 1000H 1200H
or scroll down

EKM Sizes & Models
300 High, Single Door, 1 Lock
Height Width Depth Model # $ P&A
(mm) (mm) (mm)

300 200 150 EKM302015 >>>>
300 300 150 EKM303015 >>>>
300 300 200 EKM303020 >>>>
300 400 200 EKM304020 >>>>
Home 300 500 600 700 800 1000 1200
400 High, Single Door, 1 Lock
H W D Model # $ P&A
400 300 150 EKM403015 >>>>
400 300 200 EKM403020 >>>>
400 400 200 EKM404020 >>>>
400 400 200 EKM404020A >>>>
400 400 250 EKM404025 >>>>
400 600 200 EKM406020 >>>>
Home 300 400 600 700 800 1000 1200
500 High, Single Door, 1 Lock
H W D Model # $ P&A
500 400 150 EKM504015 >>>>
500 400 200 EKM504020 >>>>
500 500 200 EKM505020 >>>>
500 500 250 EKM505025 >>>>
Home 300 400 500 700 800 1000 1200
600 High, Single Door, 2 Locks
H W D Model # $ P&A
600 400 200 EKM604020 >>>>
600 400 250 EKM604025 >>>>
600 400 250 EKM604025A >>>>
600 400 300 EKM604030 >>>>
600 600 200 EKM606020 >>>>
600 600 250 EKM606025 >>>>
600 600 250 EKM606025A >>>>
600 600 300 EKM606030 >>>>
600 600 400 EKM606040 >>>>
Home 300 400 500 600 800 1000 1200
700 High, Single Door, 2 Locks
H W D Model # $ P&A
700 500 200 EKM705020 >>>>
Home 300 400 500 600 700 1000 1200
800 High, Single Door, 2 Locks
H W D Model # $ P&A
800 600 200 EKM806020 >>>>
800 600 250 EKM806025 >>>>
800 600 250 EKM806025A >>>>
800 600 400 EKM806040 >>>>
800 800 250 EKM808025 >>>>
800 800 300 EKM808030 >>>>
800 800 300 EKM808030 >>>>
Home 300 400 500 600 700 800 1200
1000 High, Single Door, 2 Locks
H W D Model # $ P&A
1000 600 150 EKM106015 >>>>
1000 600 200 EKM106020 >>>>
1000 800 250 EKM108025 >>>>
1000 800 250 EKM108025A >>>>
1000 800 350 EKM108035 >>>>
Home 300 400 500 600 700 800 1000
1200 High, Single Door, 2 Locks
H W D Model # $ P&A
1200 600 250 EKM126025 >>>>
1200 800 200 EKM128020 >>>>
1200 800 300 EKM128030 >>>>
1200 800 400 EKM128040 >>>>

Enclosure Solutions | Australia

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EKM Electrical enclosure applications


The EKM Series General purpose electrical enclosures are used to house and protect various types of electrical equipment, such as circuit breakers, power supplies, transformers, switches, and other control devices.

These enclosures are designed to protect against external elements such as dust, moisture, and physical damage.

General purpose electrical enclosures can be used in a variety of applications across different industries, including:

  1. Industrial Automation: EKM steel electrical enclosures are used to protect control devices, PLCs, and other electrical equipment from harsh industrial environments such as chemical plants, oil refineries, and power generation facilities.

  2. Telecommunications: EKM steel electrical enclosures are used to house network equipment, including routers, switches, and modems, and to protect them from environmental factors.

  3. Transportation: EKM steel electrical enclosures are used in transportation systems such as rail, automotive, and aviation, to protect electrical equipment from dust, moisture, and other external elements.

  4. Building Automation: EKM steel electrical enclosures are used in building automation systems to protect control equipment, including thermostats, security systems, and lighting controls.

  5. Renewable Energy: EKM steel electrical enclosures are used to protect inverters, transformers, and other electrical components used in solar and wind energy systems.

In summary, the EKM General Purpose electrical enclosures are essential components in a wide range of industries and applications, providing protection and security for sensitive electrical equipment.


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300H x 200W x 150D IP66 Electrical enclosure / cabinet / Steel / Metal box, RAL7035 Grey, EKM302015
300H x 300W x 150D IP66 Electrical enclosure / cabinet / Steel / Metal box, RAL7035 Grey, EKM303015
300H x 300W x 200D IP66 Electrical enclosure / cabinet / Steel / Metal box, RAL7035 Grey, EKM303020
300H x 400W x 200D IP66 Electrical enclosure / cabinet / Steel / Metal box, RAL7035 Grey, EKM304020
400H x 300W x 150D IP66 Electrical enclosure / cabinet / Steel / Metal box, RAL7035 Grey, EKM403020
400H x 300W x 200D IP66 Electrical enclosure / cabinet / Steel / Metal box, RAL7035 Grey, EKM404020
400H x 400W x 200D IP66 Electrical enclosure / cabinet / Steel / Metal box, RAL7035 Grey, EKM404020
400H x 400W x 200D IP66 Electrical enclosure / cabinet / Steel / Metal box, RAL2008 Orange, EKM404020A
400H x 400W x 250D IP66 Electrical enclosure / cabinet / Steel / Metal box, RAL7035 Grey, EKM404025
400H x 600W x 200D IP66 Electrical enclosure / cabinet / Steel / Metal box, RAL7035 Grey, EKM406020
500H x 400W x 150D IP66 Electrical enclosure / cabinet / Steel / Metal box, RAL7035 Grey, EKM504015
500H x 400W x 200D IP66 Electrical enclosure / cabinet / Steel / Metal box, RAL7035 Grey, EKM504020
500H x 500W x 200D IP66 Electrical enclosure / cabinet / Steel / Metal box, RAL7035 Grey, EKM505020
500H x 500W x 250D IP66 Electrical enclosure / cabinet / Steel / Metal box, RAL7035 Grey, EKM505025
600H x 400W x 200D IP66 Electrical enclosure / cabinet / Steel / Metal box, RAL7035 Grey, EKM604020
600H x 400W x 250D IP66 Electrical enclosure / cabinet / Steel / Metal box, RAL7035 Grey, EKM604025
600H x 400W x 250D IP66 Electrical enclosure / cabinet / Steel / Metal box, RAL 2008 Orange, EKM604025A
600H x 400W x 300D IP66 Electrical enclosure / cabinet / Steel / Metal box, RAL7035 Grey, EKM604030
600H x 600W x 200D IP66 Electrical enclosure / cabinet / Steel / Metal box, RAL7035 Grey, EKM606020
600H x 600W x 250D IP66 Electrical enclosure / cabinet / Steel / Metal box, RAL7035 Grey, EKM606025
600H x 600W x 250D IP66 Electrical enclosure / cabinet / Steel / Metal box, RAL 2008 Orange, EKM606025A
600H x 600W x 300D IP66 Electrical enclosure / cabinet / Steel / Metal box, RAL7035 Grey, EKM606030
600H x 600W x 400D IP66 Electrical enclosure / cabinet / Steel / Metal box, RAL7035 Grey, EKM606040
700H x 500W x 200D IP66 Electrical enclosure / cabinet / Steel / Metal box, RAL7035 Grey, EKM705020
800H x 600W x 200D IP66 Electrical enclosure / cabinet / Steel / Metal box, RAL7035 Grey, EKM806020
800H x 600W x 250D IP66 Electrical enclosure / cabinet / Steel / Metal box, RAL7035 Grey, EKM806025
800H x 600W x 250D IP66 Electrical enclosure / cabinet / Steel / Metal box, RAL 2008 Orange, EKM806025A
800H x 600W x 400D IP66 Electrical enclosure / cabinet / Steel / Metal box, RAL7035 Grey, EKM806040
800H x 800W x 250D IP66 Electrical enclosure / cabinet / Steel / Metal box, RAL7035 Grey, EKM808025
800H x 800W x 300D IP66 Electrical enclosure / cabinet / Steel / Metal box, RAL7035 Grey, EKM808030
1000H x 600W x 150D IP66 Electrical enclosure / cabinet / Steel / Metal box, RAL7035 Grey, EKM106015
1000H x 600W x 200D IP66 Electrical enclosure / cabinet / Steel / Metal box, RAL7035 Grey, EKM106020
1000H x 800W x 250D IP66 Electrical enclosure / cabinet / Steel / Metal box, RAL7035 Grey, EKM108025
1000H x 800W x 250D IP66 Electrical enclosure / cabinet / Steel / Metal box, RAL 2008 Orange, EKM108025A
1000H x 800W x 350D IP66 Electrical enclosure / cabinet / Steel / Metal box, RAL7035 Grey, EKM108035
1200H x 600W x 250D IP66 Electrical enclosure / cabinet / Steel / Metal box, RAL7035 Grey, EKM126025
1200H x 800W x 250D IP66 Electrical enclosure / cabinet / Steel / Metal box, RAL7035 Grey, EKM128025
1200H x 800W x 300D IP66 Electrical enclosure / cabinet / Steel / Metal box, RAL7035 Grey, EKM128030
1200H x 800W x 400D IP66 Electrical enclosure / cabinet / Steel / Metal box, RAL7035 Grey, EKM128040